December 11, 2008
OGE Energy Corp. announced that its electric utility subsidiary, OG&E, is requesting proposals from wind power developers for construction of up to 300 megawatts (MW) of new wind energy capacity. OG&E said that it intends to add the new capacity to its power-generation portfolio by late 2010.
"We previously announced and have been working on plans to significantly increase OG&E's wind power production," said Pete Delaney, OGE Energy's chairman, president and CEO. "We believe wind generation benefits our customers and the state as we position ourselves for a secure energy future."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
OG&E Nearly Doubles Wind Power Capacity in Oklahoma
Shawnee Recycles Christmas Trees; Offers Free Mulch
OKC 49th in Sustainlane's 2008 US Cities Rankings
While the city is trying to improve in a few key areas, the metro area still has a long way to go in becoming a leader in sustainability. In fact, Oklahoma City finished 49th out of 50 with Tulsa ranking an overall 48th in the nation. Sustainlane's rankings explain how people's quality of life and city economic and management preparedness are likely to fare in the face of an uncertain future. Oklahoma City fared well in water quality, affordable housing, and metro street congestion while doing poorly in the areas of solid waste diversion, planning and land use, metro ridership, local food and agriculture among others.
For more information on how Oklahoma City performed, visit
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oklahoma 43rd in Promoting Energy Efficiency
A new report says Oklahoma is tied for 43rd in the nation for promoting energy efficiency to boost the economy, meet electricity demands, combat global warming and contribute to the nation's security. An analysis by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy states that Oklahoma's score was zero in five of eight categories that were examined, the Tulsa World reported from its Washington bureau.
Categories included efficiency programs and policies in the utility sector, transportation and land-use policies, appliance standards, energy efficiency in public buildings and research, development and deployment. Oklahoma's highest score — four out of a possible eight — came in the building code category. Its overall score was 5.5 out of 50. California topped the groups rankings with a score of 40.5, followed by Oregon, 37; Connecticut, 36; Vermont, 33; and New York, 32.5. Of Oklahoma's neighbors, Texas was ranked highest, with an overall score of 16 points, which put it in a five-way tie for 19th place.
Steve Nadel, the group's executive director, said energy efficiency should be viewed as the first fuel in the bid for a clean and secure resource because it is less expensive, cleaner and quicker to implement than others.
Federal Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Tax Credit Round-Up
The US Congress has extended several energy efficiency and alternative energy tax credits in this session. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act includes an extension of the federal tax credit of $2,000.00 for building energy efficient homes through December 31, 2009. Other building tax incentives include:
- $500 homeowner's energy tax credit for improving the energy efficiency of existing homes for 2009.
- Commercial Building Tax Deduction until 2013 allowing building owners to deduct up to $1.80 per square foot for energy efficiency improvements.
The bill also includes a new provision for small wind energy which will be of great benefit to our own Bergey Windpower located in Norman. The new federal-level investment tax credit (ITC) is worth up to $4,000 and available for units installed through 2016. The U.S. small wind industry projects that the enactment of this federal credit, combined with a forthcoming equipment certification program, will provide thousands of new jobs and could foster U.S. market growth of more than 40 percent annually.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Save a Tree, Swap a Book...Online!
If you're looking for another way to find interesting books but reduce the number of new books you purchase, consider online book-trading through swapping websites. They work like this: You join. You post the names of books you're ready to trade away. You look for the books you want to acquire. Trades are arranged and you mail your old books and receive new ones.
That said, there are important differences between the services -- in cost, convenience, trading process and availability of your kind of books. Three websites- swaptree, zunafish and bookins - all offer trading services of various kinds. Check them out and see which one best suits you. For more information on book swapping and how to do it, read Sheryl Eisenberg's account at
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sustainable Shawnee's 1st Annual Local Foods Dinner A Great Success !
Sustainable Shawnee 's local foods dinner was a great time enjoyed by all. Over 50 people attended enjoying an excellent dinner with locally-made Parson's wine. Claudia Crow of Crow Farms eloquently spoke on the importance of supporting local farmers and providing our families with fresh produce grown close to home. Jerry Parker of G-J All Natural Beef encouraged the audience to join the Oklahoma Food Co-op for year-round access to Oklahoma-grown food and other natural products. For more information on how to join the Oklahoma Food Co-op, visit
Thanks to everyone who made this night so worthwhile!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Much Needed Transmission Lines Will Move Wind Energy Around the State
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The House bill now goes to a conference committee to eliminate differences in a somewhat-similar bill passed by the Senate. And what's significant is that the margin by which the House bill was passed, 311 to 104, is more than sufficient to overcome a threatened veto by President Bush.
Thus, the moment may have come. We may at last be ready to defeat the long-maintained opposition to Amtrak by the oil industry and install a sensible system of alternative transportation in America. All of us should make our views known to members of Congress.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Ultimate Guide to Hypermiling: 100 Driving and Car Tips and Resources
Hypermiling, or driving your car “in a manner that maximizes mileage,” has become more popular among drivers worldwide, as concerns over increasing gas prices and environmental issues heighten. Whether you’re trying to make a difference by helping the environment, or you’re just aiming to save a few more dollars at the pump each month, check out this ultimate guide to hypermiling, which provides tips and resources for smart driving.
Driving Tips
Below is a list of hypermiling tips that drivers can implement while behind the wheel. We recommend practicing one or two tips at a time and gradually working your way up to the whole list so that you aren’t overwhelmed.
*Drive a stick shift: If you’re used to driving automatic, switching over to a stick shift might take a little practice, but it’s definitely worth it. Once you have more control over the vehicle, you’ll be able to master more hypermiling tricks.
*Stop speeding: The harder you press the gas pedal, the more gas you’re using. If you’re driving over the speed limit, you might save time, but you’re definitely wasting gas and money. Slow down a little if you can so that you’re driving at or just below the actual speed limit.
*Coast instead of braking: When you see a stop sign up ahead or a traffic light turning yellow, immediately take your foot off the gas and let your vehicle slow down by itself. If you wait until the last possible minute to brake, then you’re wasting all the gas you used when you could have been slowing down.
*Cruise Control: One automatic setting that actually helps hypermiling is cruise control, which prevents “you from “creeping” up in speed without realizing it,” according to
Put your car in neutral: Coasting with your car in neutral takes the burden off your gas pedal preventing you from wasting fuel. If you’re not driving in heavy traffic, experiment with this effective money saver.
*Lighten the load: The heavier your car is, the harder it has to work to propel itself forward. Empty out your trunk and backseat of ice chests, beach chairs, and other items that you’re not using to lighten the load.
*“Shift slow and low”: The site urges drivers to “shift slow and low,” whenever possible to give your vehicle more mileage.
*Drafting: This technique comes with a warning sign: according to many hypermiling experts, it is incredibly dangerous. A “deliberate form of tailgating,” the forced auto stop involves turning off your car’s engine and then following closely behind the vehicle in front of you “in order to take advantage of the reduced wind resistance in [the other car's] immediate wake.”
*Find a route that’s easy on your vehicle: A story in the Washington Post discusses the benefits of “optimiz[ing] your route” when implementing hypermiling tricks. Instead of taking the scenic route to work, which could include more hills, twists, and dips, try finding a route that features level roads and less traffic lights or stop signs. Generally, “a longer route with better driving conditions” can use “less gas.”
*Park in the Sun: The blogger Joe Future believes that parking your vehicle in the sun is a hypermiling tip for two reasons: “On a cold day, parking in the sun keeps your car warmer.” Also, a warmer car “will get to “auto-stop” mode faster than a cold car, so you’ll sit idling at fewer red lights while you’re waiting for auto-stop to kick in.”
*Roll down the windows if you’re not on the highway: After the scorching hot temperatures of the summer have retreated, stop blasting the air conditioner and roll down your windows. According to, “It is generally accepted that air-conditioning increases fuel consumption by about 10 percent but winding down the windows increases drag, which is also an enemy of good fuel consumption.” If you’re going to be on the highway, keeping your A/C on low is still a good idea, but if you’re taking a joy ride, think about getting a little fresh air.
*Turn off the car before putting it in park: Joe Future suggests turning off your vehicle before putting it in park to save gas. If you don’t, “the gas engine will come on before you shut off the car.”
*Don’t leave the car running: It may seem like a good idea to let your car idle while you dash into the store to grab the milk or drop off a rented movie, but doing so wastes gas. Take the extra few seconds to pull into a real parking spot and turn the car off first.
Maintenance Tips
Taking your car for regular check ups is another easy way to maximize mileage. Check out these helpful maintenance hacks that will keep your car running smoothly and efficiently.
*Get an oil change: Keeping up with scheduled oil changes will help your engine run more easily. Adequate oil levels and lower-weight oil can also make a difference in how quickly your vehicle burns fuel
*Check your tire pressure: Tires that are beginning to lose air and go flat put more stress on your engine, making it work harder and burn more fuel. Keep a tire gauge in your car and frequently check the tire pressure.
*Engine Control Module: Your vehicle’s engine control module “controls various aspects of an internal combustion engine’s operation,” including the amount of fuel being used by the engine, the ignition timing, and the variable valve timing. Making sure your engine control module is working properly will help you gauge how much fuel your car is using on a regular basis.
*Tire Balance: If your tires aren’t balanced correctly, you could end up wearing out certain tires faster than others, causing them to lose air and forcing your engine to work harder. Get a check-up for your tires if you think yours are out of whack.
*Conduct a seasonal check up: During the winter, your car could become bogged down with extra weight from snow chains, heavier tires, or other items. During the summer, you’ll probably be using your air conditioner nearly every day. Before each season, give your car a check up to unburden it of needless weight and to make sure the engine, A/C and other systems are in proper order.
For more information about hypermiling and techniques to save fuel, visit
Financial adviser tells Shawnee community how to invest sustainably
Shawnee News-Star
Posted May 28, 2008
SHAWNEE, Okla. — Jason Claborn will speak at Sustainable Shawnee’s general meeting tonight on how to wisely invest money in sustainable businesses and mutual funds.Claborn is a 13-year veteran of the financial services industry and is president of Modern Wealth Management, an independent financial services firm in Norman. He specializes in tailoring his clients’ investments and financial planning around their moral, environmental or social values. Claborn will share how to support sustainable companies engaged in cutting-edge, renewable energy technologies and other “green” activities while enjoying an above-average return on money. Claborn is also a board member with the Oklahoma Sustainability Network. The Sustainable Shawnee meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the University Baptist Church on North Kickapoo, and the public is welcome. Visit for more information on Sustainable Shawnee activities.
Shawnee home builders go green under adoption of new guidelines
Shawnee News-Star
Posted May 24, 2008 @ 09:36 PM
SHAWNEE, Okla. — The Oklahoma State Home Builders Association (OSHBA) is adopting stringent national guidelines by the National Association of Home Builders Green Building program.
“We really did not want to reinvent the wheel,” said Todd Booze, OSHBA’s Green Building Council chairman. “Our national association has spent a lot of time and effort in establishing the guidelines for an across-the-board approach to green building. We felt that the adoption of this program for our members was the most prudent choice.”
Link Cowen, president of the Shawnee Home Builders Association, said the national association will soon announce it is the only green building program certified by the American National Standards Institute. The Shawnee Home Builders Association is under the umbrella of the state association.
Cowen said this makes for a true third-party certification, setting the gold standard for all programs for consistency of product.
The move is designed to bring confidence to the consumer.
David Ritchie, OSHBA president, said the state association wanted to make sure the OSHBA program was not just a “green washing,” which means someone is claiming to build green without it truly being a comprehensive program.
OSHBA is demonstrating an early commitment to the program with the current renovation of the organization’s headquarters in Oklahoma City. Everything from the heat pump to installation of fluorescent lighting follows the green guidelines.
The carpeting is even produced from a recycled product.
Ritchie said, “I can say green building is the future, but the proof is ‘what are you doing?’ Our renovated headquarters will demonstrate that first step.”
Friday, May 16, 2008
New Jersey Utility Offers $105 Million in Solar Loans
New Jersey's Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) is now offering up to $105 million in loans for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) approved the loan package in early April to support the development of 30 megawatts of solar power installations throughout the utility's service area, helping the utility to meet about half of its solar energy requirement for 2009 and 2010. For now, the loans are only available for non-residential customers, but the program will be expanded to residential customers in the future. PSE&G will provide loans to cover roughly 40%-60% of a solar project's costs, offering 10-year loans for residential systems and 15-year loans for non-residential systems. According to PSE&G, the non-residential loans are currently being offered at an interest rate of 11.11%. New Jersey's Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) is now offering up to $105 million in loans for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Roadtrip Anyone?
Tulsa County Gets an "F" in Air Quality Report
Tulsa Business Journal
May 1, 2008
Oklahoma received a mixed report card for outdoor air pollution in the American Lung Association State of the Air Report 2008 released today. Tulsa County received an "F" for ozone; a "C" for 24-hour particle pollution and a "passing" grade for year-round particle pollution. Tulsa and Oklahoma counties were the only ones tested that received a failing grade for ozone. Several Oklahoma counties, including Canadian, Kay, Ottawa and Oklahoma, saw a drop in their ozone grade, whereas Cleveland county's grade improved. For particle pollution, both Kay and Oklahoma counties improved their grade.
"Both our local scores and the national trends tell us that we have more work to do to protect our families and our neighbors from dangerous air pollution," said Sara Dreiling, Chief Executive Officer of the American Lung Association of the Central States. "Oklahomans are not yet breathing air that's clean enough to be safe. Our State of the Air 2008 report proves that we can cut air pollution. We can't settle for where we are now."
OSN in the News!
From slowing vehicles to fast meat packers, legal trends are taking on a green hue
April 22, 2008
The Journal Record
OKLAHOMA CITY – They're called low-speed vehicles, or LSVs for short, and thanks to two clients of attorney Jeff Tate who insisted on being ticketed, they're now legal in Edmond.
That's just one of the latest developments in what has come to be known as "green law."
Tate, President of Sustainable Edmond, said that unlike standard golf carts, LSVs can go more than 20 mph.
Under federal standards, LSVs that can do up to 25 mph are classified as motor vehicles, but are not required to have all of the safety bells and whistles of standard cars. They must have seatbelts, a VIN number, reflectors, lights and the like.
For the complete article, visit
Saturday, April 26, 2008
PBS's NOW - Save Energy, Save Money, Save the Planet
Would this approach work for Shawnee? Click on the link below and watch the 30-minute NOW segment, "Save Energy, Save Money, Save the Planet."
NOW looks at a city-wide plan in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to make all its buildings more energy efficient. Up to 80 percent of emissions in many urban cities comes from buildings. Cambridge hopes that this unprecedented effort to green its buildings will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent in just five years, the equivalent of taking 33,000 cars off the road. If every major city in America took the same approach, it would have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of the United States —and it would generate tens of millions of new "green" jobs.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The AQUAhoman: A Newsletter about Water Initiatives from the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute
What's New With Water in Oklahoma?
- Legislative Update on Water Issues. You'll find our very own HB2702 written by Rep. Kris Steele included. For the text of this bill, visit
- Details on Water-related Research Projects Funded in FY2008-09
- Upcoming Events!
Visit to read the entire issue.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Oklahoma WinCharger - The Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative
Check out the latest issue of Oklahoma's Alternative Energy Newletter!
- Renewable Energy Education and Awareness in Oklahoma
- Yarbrough Public School Board Approves Purchase of Wind Turbine
- 2008 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program Announced
- Clean Energy Tax Stimulus Act of 2008 Passes Senate
- 3TIER Releases Global Wind Map
And More at!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
OG&E Grants for Teachers!
OG&E offers grants to K-12 public school teachers for up to $1000! The grants are designed to fund innovative math, science and reading projects. This is a great opportunity for teachers interested in developing sustainability-focused projects with their students. The deadline for submission is May 30, 2008. For more information and the application documents, visit Please share this with the educators you know!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Local Company Reuses and Recycles E-Waste Everyday!
Go Computers located at 6 West Main Street is reusing and recycling computers, cellphones, televisions, VCR's and other e-waste everyday at their downtown facility. Chris Odneal and his partners are new members of Sustainable Shawnee and are keen to reduce the amount of electronic waste going to the landfill. For more information on what can be reused, contact Chris at, by phone at 405.214.6090 or visit
Maryland Legislation Taps Energy Efficiency As the 'First Fuel'
Maryland's legislators gave final approval this week to two landmark energy bills that together aim to reduce the state's energy consumption by 15% by 2015. The legislation, proposed by Governor Martin O'Malley, sets the stage for Maryland to become a leader in capturing the benefits of energy efficiency.
"Maryland's policies now recognize energy efficiency as the 'first fuel' for meeting its future energy needs," said Steven Nadel, Executive Director of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
A study released in February by ACEEE evaluated a suite of energy efficiency policies for Maryland and found that more than enough energy efficiency resources exist in the state to meet Governor O'Malley's ambitious 15 by '15 goal, and confirmed that reducing electricity consumption is the quickest, cheapest, and cleanest way for policymakers to bring consumer bills down and keep the lights on in the state.
For the complete article visit:
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Blue Skyways Collaborative is pleased to inform you that for fiscal year 2008, Congress appropriated funds for the first time under the Energy Policy Act to help reduce harmful emissions from diesel engines.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will award grants to assist eligible entities in conducting diesel emission reduction efforts that improve air quality and protect public health. For fiscal year 2008, the amount of funding available for clean diesel efforts nationally is about $49 million. This funding replaces and combines Clean School Bus and National Clean Diesel Campaign [NCDC] funding EPA has made available in previous years.
Funds will be awarded under a Federal Clean Diesel Program, a State Program, an Emerging Technologies Program and a Clean Diesel Financing program. Under the Federal Clean Diesel program, Blue Skyways is anticipated to receive and announce a funding competition for about $4-4.5 million.
Visit the blue skyways website,, for information on these clean diesel programs, anticipated program funding timelines and expected funding amounts. Opportunities for apply for the new funding are expected to be formally announced in mid-March, so please begin to consider project proposals ASAP!
Eligible entities are regional, state, local, tribal or port agencies with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality; and nonprofit organizations or institutions that represent or provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that operate diesel fleets; or has as its principle purpose the promotion of transportation or air quality.
For more information, documents and legislation, visit the Blue Skyways website at: Questions? Contact Gloria Vaughn, Outreach Subcommittee, 214-665-7535
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
OG&E Custom Energy Report
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Shawnee Clean-Up Day - April 19th
April 19, 2008
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
· Tires 17 inches or less (No rims, please)
· Used Oil
· Used Antifreeze
· Used Batteries
· Scrap Metal (No barbed wire, please)
· E-Waste (electronic products, e.g. computers, phones, etc. Be sure to strip computers of personal information!)
Landfill on Hwy 9A near Earlsboro
· Bagged Leaves, Bagged Trash, Furniture
Boy Scout Park
· Bagged Leaves, Bagged Trash, Furniture
Shawnee Public Works Service Center – 111 S. Kickapoo
· Bagged Leaves, Bagged Trash, Furniture
· Commercial Business Tires
· Tractor Tires
· Paint
· Anything with Compressors
· Anything Containing Freon
· Chemicals
***** Don’t Forget a Driver’s License and a Water Bill
Questions?? Call City of Shawnee, Dept. of Public Works - 405-878-1662
Field Day at Crow Farms! April 17 5-8 pm
Farmers all over the state are finding a bonanza of new markets byselling produce to local schools in Oklahoma's Farm-to-School Program. Claudia and Ricky Crow will show visitors to their farm near Shawneehow they are adapting to these new opportunities, at a field day on April 17 from 5 – 8. Registration, due by April 14, is $10 and includes dinner.
To register, call 918.647.9123 or visit
The Kerr Center is sponsoring the event, in partnership with the USDARisk Management Agency.
Monday, March 24, 2008
New Officers
The 2008 officers are President Shawna, Secretary Christina, and Treasurer RoseMary. They were sworn, initiated, ordained, and otherwise coerced into accepting their new duties at the January meeting.