Dr. George Dreiver's talk on "Enriching Your Soil the Natual Way: Build and Use Your Own Compost" was outstanding. Dr. Dreiver is the new Horticulturist on staff at the OSU Extension Center. He has a strong background in natural and organic gardening for vegetables as well as flowers so use him as a resource. We're hoping to have his presention on composting available on the website soon.
Remember, the Shawnee Community Garden, located at the corner of Wall and Park Streets, is in winter production so stop by for some lettuce, radishes and other favorites. Work days will begin in February. We'll get the word out when the first Saturday is scheduled!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Composting Essentials Talk a Big Success!
Monday, November 28, 2011
2011 Recycling Christmas Wish List
1. Call Central Disposal at 275-5854 and ask to be placed on the Curbside Recycling for Shawnee list. The more people that call, the closer we are to making curbside a reality for Shawnee!
2. While talking to Central Disposal, ask them to provide you with a 75-gallon trash container rather than the 90+ bin you presently have. Save money AND send less trash to the landfill in 2012!
3. Recycle your old/damaged Christmas lights at LOWE’s this season. The recycling center is located next to the entrance just inside the store. They are recycling rechargeable batteries and compact fluorescent bulbs as well so make a trip of it!
4. Read over Sustainable Shawnee’s Recycling in Shawnee 2011 to see what can be recycled in town and where to take it!
Happy Holidays From Sustainable Shawnee!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sustainable Shawnee/OBU Win 2011 KOB Environmental Excellence for Community Garden
Each year Keep Oklahoma Beautiful (the state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful) holds a statewide Environmental Excellence Awards Competition to recognize the good works of Oklahomans for exceptional environmental improvement efforts. A statewide call for nominations goes out on June 1st for awards in a variety of categories. After a rigorous judging process, the top three finalists in each category are notified and invited to attend the Environmental Excellence Awards Banquet in November. This highly anticipated event is well attended and full of fun, surprises, inspiring stories, good food and entertainment. Each finalist is honored with a media presentation telling the story of their achievements just before the winners in each category are revealed. In early October, Sustainable Shawnee received news from Keep Oklahoma Beautiful that the Community Garden of Shawnee had been selected as a finalist for the 2011 Environmental Excellence Award for Community Effort.
On November 10, Timothy McCollum, director of the garden and assistant professor of anthropology at Oklahoma Baptist University, accompanied by four OBU students - Chad Ward, JoBeth Hamon, Janeth Carreon, and Cody Yount - attendedthe 21st Annual Environmental Excellence Awards Banquet hosted at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City. The evening proved eventful, not only because the garden was presented and honored as a finalist, but because it was declared the winner and was one of five statewide projects honored as "Best of the Best."During the acceptance of the award, McCollum addressed the audience, "I would like to thank the organization and institution that formed the working partnership to establish the garden, namely, the active and generous membership of Sustainable Shawnee and Oklahoma Baptist University, especially those students, faculty, and members of the Student Government Association who been supportive and involved. And it would be remiss not to express gratitude to Larry and Barbara Smith for the land, to Direct Colors, to Shawnee Sawmill, to Minick Materials (Oklahoma City), and to the many neighbors and local participants who have helped bring the garden to life." McCollum concluded, "This recognition by Keep Oklahoma Beautiful is a testament to the dedication and work of many wonderful people, all devoted to cultivating a modest idea into beautiful fruition. Indeed, the garden motto captures the essence of our community effort: Let's Grow Together!"
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sustainable Shawnee Elects 2012 Officers!
We're pleased to announce our new incoming officers for 2012!
President - Shawna Turner
Vice President - Justine Thompson
Secretary - Shelby Shackelford
Treasurer - Cody Deem
The emphasis for 2012 will be on educating the public on key sustainability, health, social justice and environmental issues. We'll be inviting speakers to join us for all general meetings and food/drinks will be served. Key committees for next year will be the community garden and recycling. Exciting new activities and changes are just around the bend!
No additional meetings will be held in 2011 but our Christmas Party is coming up in December. More news to follow! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Benefits Wouldn't Outweigh the Cost of the XL-Keystone Pipeline
NORMAN — Numerous oppositional arguments to the proposed pipeline have been presented, and I agree with all. It is said that many jobs will be created by pipeline construction and operation, but the numbers are exaggerated, and, more important, almost all of the jobs are temporary and the pipeline would increase local environmental problems.
Part of President Obama’s inaugural address, presented in January, 2009, was as follows: “That we are now in the midst of a crisis is well understood. ... Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. ...”
Now we have one of the so-called hard choices, but it is really simple! Construction of the proposed Keystone pipeline would facilitate continued dependence on petroleum in the U.S., and environmental destruction in Canada. It is clearly not in our national interest, nor is it in the global interest, and it should not be built.
There can be many more jobs here that would help solve long-range problems. For example, our oil usage is about twice the per capita usage in Europe, which has a far more extensive system for transportation by rail. This situation in our country would be relieved by construction jobs for development here of energy-efficient systems for transportation by rail.
Our society needs to make a large transition away from oil, but this has not occurred in spite of decades-long warnings. Such transition will be painful, but less painful than the transition that would be forced on us soon by natural processes. Such natural processes arise from increase of population and associated emissions of greenhouse gases, and from associated resource depletion and rising prices of food and other essentials.
The Keystone XL pipeline would exacerbate these problems. It would postpone the societal transition that we sorely need, and it would facilitate the environmentally destructive and grossly emissive mining of tar sands in Ontario.
Jared Diamond, in his book, Collapse, notes that societal demise is often a sudden consequence of environmental neglects and environmental destruction. We must not fall victim to attitudes of hubris and exceptionalism.
Letter to the Editor
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Did you Know?
A recent study has found that solvents like perchloroethylene or PERC are retained in clothing and soft furnishings after dry cleaning. PERC is a common dry cleaning solvent used by most dry cleaning companies and has been linked to cancer and neurological damage. According to the study, wool fabrics were the worst culprit but cotton and polyester also tended to absorb the chemicals over time. While the debate rages on about what levels are acceptable in the home or in clothing worn on the body, you might like to take more immediate action. Consider taking your items to a “green” dry cleaner such as Shawnee Cleaners and Laundry. The study found that fabrics cleaned at “green” dry cleaners were PERC-free. Or save a penny instead and just hang your clothes out to dry on the clothes line. The air is still cheap and relatively clean!
For more information on this study, visit www.washingtonpost.com and search for “Study: Perc remains in dry-cleaned clothes.”
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
OKC ranked 22nd in Most Dangerous Cities for Pedestrians
Walking is the first and most basic method of transportation. At least one-third of Americans cannot or choose not to drive and, and for most of them, being a pedestrian is an integral part of their daily life. This group includes children and young adolescents, older adults who no longer drive, people with disabilities, low-income individuals and a growing number who seek to avoid the costs of owning and maintaining a car.
Pedestrian injury is the third leading cause of death by unintentional injury for children 15 and younger, according to CDC mortality data. Nearly 3,900 children 15 years and younger were killed while walking from 2000 through 2007, representing between 25 and 30 percent of all traffic deaths. When surveyed, parents express concerns about a range of perceived safety hazards: the amount of traffic on roads(71.3%), the speed of traffic (69.8%), inadequate or missing sidewalks (48.6%) and poor quality or missing crosswalks(39%).
The list of the most dangerous metro areas for walking is striking in that all of the ten metro areas are in the South or West, and have seen rapid growth in recent decades of low-density development, characterized by high-speed urban roads that are particularly hazardous for walking. 52 US cities were ranked in the study.
The study ranked 52 of largest metro areas (those with at least 1 million residents as of 2009) according to their ten-year Pedestrian Danger Index. The most dangerous cities for pedestrians include Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, FL and Riverside, CA. Oklahoma City ranked 22nd behind Louisville, KY, Richmond, VA and Sacramento, CA. Amazingly, OKC is considered more pedestrian-friendly than St. Louis and Kansas City, MO as well as Tucson, AZ.
Visit Transportation for America for more information on this study.
New Fuel Efficiency Standards for Cars - A Big Step Forward!
The agreement to boost fuel efficiency standards to 54.5 MPG by 2025 is the single biggest step President Obama could take to lower drivers' gas bills and cut heat-trapping pollution at the same time. And it will create as many as 150,000 good jobs here in the United States.
By 2025, new cars and light trucks in this county will go about twice as far, on average, on a gallon of gas, compared with today’s vehicles.
The difference will save Americans $80 billion a year at the pump. It will reduce our oil use by 3.1 million barrels per day by 2030. It will cut automobile carbon emissions in half. And it will create up to 150,000 American jobs, as Detroit shows the world how to build the next generation of energy efficient cars.
That's going to save the typical consumer a whopping $8,200 in fuel costs, the White House estimates, over the life of cars bought after 2025, as compared with today's average driving costs.
Well, hooray! For more information on the new CAFE standards, visit the NRDC website.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The 4th Annual Sustainable Shawnee Harvest Feast of Local Foods
A Feast of Exceptional Locally Produced Foods was had by all. Thanks to everyone who joined us. The food was wonderful as was the company. We appreciate your continued support and we look forward to next year's event. Photos and Recipes will be forthcoming!
Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors:
GO Computers Systems, Direct Colors Inc., Crow Vegetable Farms, G-J All Natural Beef , Sips Downtown Kafe, Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Click Here for all the pictures from the feast!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Household Electronics Recycling Event in Shawnee
Shawnee's first e-cycling event was a great success! Thanks to everyone who volunteered and made the whole thing possible.
We had about 20 volunteers who worked without complaint in the heat from 7:30am-1:30pm. We recycled several tons of tvs, consoles, stereos, computers, monitors and various other electronics.With the help of Waste Management Inc, we're hoping to hold this event again next year so if you missed out this time, there's always the 2nd annual! I think we'll be holding it in either April or October next time. :)
For the complete photo album, visit Sustainable Shawnee's facebook page.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Many Thanks To Dr. Joe Taron...
The Green Chat with Dr. Joe Taron, "Planning for Water Abundance in Oklahoma" at the Shawnee Community Garden was very informative and helped our members better understand water issues in our state.
Thanks to all who attended. I know you were glad you did. The next Green Chat is at Knuckles Pub downtown on Thursday, August 25th at 7pm. Come and beat the heat with us!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Defang Energy Vampires
By turning off electronics when not in use, you could save over over $100 annually on your electric bill and a half a ton of heat-trapping pollutants. If you have more energy-intensive items, such as an older Sony Playstation 3 and high-powered computers, your savings could be as high as $425 annually.
1. Survey your electronics. Check if you have the following items and where they are plugged in—directly into a wall socket? Or in a power strip you can easily turn on and off? Each of these will drain energy when in standby mode but if plugged into a power strip can be easily switched off without unplugging.
Set-top boxes, such as DVRs, cable and satellite boxes, are particularly vampiric, draining as much when not in use as when recording or playing. In fact, they often consume more energy than your TV. See NRDC's new report for more on the hidden costs of set-top boxes.
Digital cable box
Xbox, Playstation and other video game consoles
Cellphone chargers
Satellite receiver
VCR/DVD player
LCD, CRT or Plasma TV
Audio amplifier
Desktop computer
LED or CRT monitor
Laptop computer
Ink-jet or laser printer
Solution: Buy power strips where needed to plug in your electronics.
For the complete article and many energy saving smart tips, visit the NRDC at http://www.nrdc.org/living/energy/CO2-Smackdown-step-11-defang-energy-vampires.asp
Eating Local is a Community Service, Oklahoma City food columnist Sherrel Jones examines the different ways people can find locally grown foods.
By Sherrel Jones, The Daily Oklahoman
Published: May 18, 2011
Ask me today how to get locally grown Oklahoma food, and I could talk enough to equal one of our recent windstorms.
Local is a concept worth growing for plenty of reasons.
First is flavor. If you ever have enjoyed freshly harvested arugula,asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peas, new potatoes, onions orspinach, you know what a difference it makes.
Secondary reasons are many, but supporting the "Know your farmer, know yourfood" movement helps assure quality you can trust.
Buying produce that only had a short distance to travel has plenty to dowith how fresh food is when it arrives in your kitchen. Food that hastraveled 1,500 miles and sat in storage for days, weeks or even monthsbefore traveling to your local grocer is not the same as that picked from afarm nearby.
Less travel for your food means less fuel, meaning less dependence on foreign oil, which means extra money to spend on locally grown food.
Plastic by Any Other Name
Coke and Pepsi's plant-based bottles still damage the environment.
By Amy Westervelt, Slate.com
First came the press releases: In March, PepsiCo touted the "World's First 100 Percent Plant-Based, Renewably Sourced PET Bottle," prompting CocaCola to stammer, "Odwalla First to Market with up to 100 Percent PlantBottle™ Packaging." The subsequent headlines bumped the hype up a notch: "Pepsi bottles: no more plastic" (Christian Science Monitor), "Pepsi Ups Ante on Plant-Based Bottles with 100% Non-Plastic Bottle" (GreenBiz), "Coca Cola—designing bottles from recycled plastic and plant by-product" (Guardian). Last month, Coca-Cola released a commercial for its Dasani-brand bottled water arguing that its partly plant-based packaging is "designed to make a difference": But despite all the buzz, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's plant-based bottles are still very much plastic.
The companies have merely replaced the fossil fuels (petroleum and natural gas) traditionally used to make their plastic bottles with ethanol from renewable sources (plant waste in Pepsi's case and Brazilian sugar cane in Coke's). Though these initial inputs come from renewable, lower-carbon sources, the resulting plastics are chemically identical to the polyethylene terepthalate, or PET, and high-density polyethylene, or HDPE, that regular plastic bottles are made of—a fact the companies acknowledge. And once the inputs become plastic, they carry all the same environmental impacts as plastic made from fossil fuels: They don't biodegrade, they pollute the world's oceans and soils, and still leach potentially harmful chemicals into our food.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Local Foods Week in Oklahoma!
JUNE 12-19th
It's time again to honor our local farmers and ranchers for their outstanding contributions to our health and community. Visit www.localfoodweek.org for events around the state.
Pott County Farmer's Market and Sustainable Shawnee presents in honor of Local Food Week:
Wednesday, June 15th
10-11 am
Tim Sean is a Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist and youth minister at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. He'll be singing songs from his most recent album, Practice Resurrection, and offering CD's for sale as a fundraiser for Family Promise of Shawnee. For more information on Tim Sean, visit his website, http://www.timsean.com/.
The market will also have a cooking demonstration and face-painting for the children. Come by for great food and entertainment with us at the Farmers Market!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Oklahomans Asked to Comment Online About Keyston XL Oil Pipeline

Oklahomans have been asked to comment to the EPA and President Obama about this pipeline. I hope you will share your concerns with our government and see that the views of Oklahomans are heard today on a matter that will affect us for many generations to come. Click here to make your comment now. For more information, visit www.foe.org/keystone-xl-pipeline
Friday, April 29, 2011
US Postal Service Features New Sustainability Stamps

Want to help the planet? Start with the person.
Governments and corporations are taking major steps to reduce their environmental impact — including the United States Postal Service (read how here) — but the opportunity to live greener belongs to each of us. The new Go Green stamps help show us how.
These positive steps — from riding bikes to planting trees — won’t help just the environment. They’ll help your environment, encouraging better health, lower energy bills, and maybe even a little shade a few summers from now.
Yet whenever the environment is discussed, the line between motivation and guilt trip is easily crossed. So the illustrator for the project needed both a passion for the subject and an accessible style — someone with a proven track record for communicating in ways that are both environmentally friendly and . . . friendly. “The idea was to keep it light,” says art director Derry Noyes, “not to scold as if shaking a finger and saying, ‘Go do all these things and make the planet better.’
Click here for the complete article and additional stamp images.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Shawnee's Community Garden is Officially Opened!
Shawnee's Community Garden is officially opened! What a beautiful day and what a beautiful garden!
While thanks could never be enough, many thanks to Traci Westbrook, Timothy McCollum, Larry Smith, Jenny and Michael Clark, the Justice Mission and Sustainable Shawnee members for their hard work and tremendous skill.
In addition to the music, children's games and ribbon cutting, we planted many a few new low-tech barrels designed for our use from 55-gallon barrels donated by Direct Colors Inc. Community gardeners have planted swiss chard, spinach, various lettuces, carrots and onions. Everything is growing robustly and I'm sure will be ready soon.
Read our press on the community garden! The Journal Record featured us in April and the Countywide did a beautiful story on our opening day.
The garden is located on the corner of Park and Wall St, two blocks North of Independence. For more information on the garden and scheduled work days, visit our facebook page.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Rosemary Crawford and the People of Bokoshe, OK Make the National News!
Small Town Fears Health May be Threatened by Waste Dump
Jim Sciutto traveled to Bokoshe, Okla., to investigate.

Friday, March 25, 2011
Sustainability Meeting in Edmond Brings Strong Opinions
A forum was held in Edmond for city staff to learn what people think about sustainability. Many in attendance expressed disapproval of Edmond's membership in an international group with ties to the United Nations.
People upset with city leaders over Edmond's membership in an international organization with ties to the United Nations were given the opportunity this week to tell leaders what they thought.
Only one of the 31 people who spoke at a 2½-hour forum about Edmond's sustainability program talked about sustainable development as it related to environmental issues.
Everyone else accused city staff of following an alleged United Nation's plan to take away people's rights and property.
Edmond joined the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives in November 2009. The city has paid $2,400 in dues over two years. The dues were reimbursed with money from an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grant, City Manager Larry Stevens said.
City officials said they joined the council to utilize computer software that calculates and converts data to determine the effectiveness of energy savings technology, Stevens said.
When the city joined the council, city staff said, they were not aware of the organization's ties to the United Nations and its program called Agenda 21.
Proposed U.S.-Canada Oil Pipeline Fuels Debate
09:02 PM
By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY
David Daniel found his piece of paradise on 20 acres in east Texas, complete with a hardwood forest of oak, hickory and elm and three spring-fed creeks that burble year-round. "I drink out of the creeks. It's that clean," says Daniel, a carpenter who built a house for his family on the land. He sees his refuge in peril. A proposed oil pipeline "would cut my property in half and tear up the wetlands," says Daniel, who has rallied fellow U.S. landowners against the $6 billion project.
In this David vs. Goliath tale, what happens in Winnsboro, Texas, may hinge on events thousands of miles away. Unrest in the Middle East could affect whether the Obama administration allows a 1,661 -mile underground pipeline carrying a controversial form of heavy crude oil to slice through the United States from Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf Coast. Canada supplies more crude oil to the United States than any other country.
Because the pipeline crosses a U.S. border, it needs a permit from the State Department, which pleased the project's critics last week by announcing it would further study the environmental impact. The department said it plans to issue a draft of that review next month and make a final decision by year's end.
"The nation's energy security does play a role in the decision-making process," says department spokeswoman Nicole Thompson.
The proposed extension of the Keystone oil pipeline would run from Alberta, Canada, southeast through several U.S. states toward refineries near Houston. The privately funded project, known as Keystone XL, would expand an existing 2,154-mile pipeline that runs from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Neb., and then east to Patoka, Ill. The expansion would snake southeast through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma to oil refineries near Houston.
Click here for the complete story plus maps and graphs.
Is Greening Your Home Enough?
Which has the most impact on your energy bill: the green things you do (like driving a hybrid and re-insulating your house), the type of house you live in or where you live?
It turns out, a family living near transit in a compact neighborhood saves more energy than an energy-efficient family living in the suburbs.
"Housing that is located in a walkable neighborhood near public transit, employment centers, schools, and other amenities allows residents to drive less and thereby reduces transportation costs,” says Daniel Hernandez of the Jonathan Rose Companies, a green real estate firm that just completed a study to figure out what impacts household energy use most.
Click here for the complete article.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Oklahoma's 50-year Water Plan: What Can You Do?
The Oklahoma Water Plan is designed to preserve and protect our state's water supply for the next 50 years. Several Sustainable Shawnee members have participated in the public portion of the plan but there's still an opportunity for interested citizens to have their voice heard.
Sustainable Shawnee hopes to hold a Green Chat with Dr. Joe Taron, Oklahoma Water Resources Board Member, in April 2011. Dr. Taron will discuss the Oklahoma Water Plan and other local water issues.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sustainable Shawnee and Habitat for Humanity Present Wintersong, Ann Zimmerman in Concert
Sponsors for the event included GO Computers, Direct Colors, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and the Cleo Craig Foundation. All proceeds from the event will directly benefit the work of Sustainable Shawnee and
Sustainable Edmond Meeting Disrupted by Protests
December 17, 2010
Local group weighs in on sustainability
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — Edmond Police on duty responded three times Thursday night at the Edmond Library to restrain loud, vocal arguments at the Sustainable Edmond meeting. Some people laughed after Officer Jeff Morefield said the meeting was disturbing members of the QRP Suicide Prevention and Intervention Course at the library, sponsored by Edmond Exchange Club.
“I’m serious,” Morefield said. “People are here trying to learn. And this is a library.”
More than once, some people were asked to leave the meeting by Sustainable Edmond member Benton Howell for what was cited as out-of-order disruption during personal introductions. Howell served as moderator for the evening.
Howell was asked to define sustainability. People may have different definitions, said Howell, an engineer with Boeing.
“Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable — to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,” Howell said.
For the complete article, visit http://www.edmondsun.com/local/x1168756877/Local-group-weighs-in-on-sustainability
Backlash to Sustainable Living in Edmond
Editorial: A lost chance
By Journal Record Staff
Posted: 12:24 PM Thursday, December 9, 2010
Edmond city leaders gave in too easily Monday night to a few disruptive residents.
The city planned a sustainability conference well in advance and publicized the discussion topics. The Edmond Sun, on at least two occasions, ran a short item inviting public input. The city’s statement was clear: “The Edmond Sustainability Plan will include subjects such as water conservation, land use and transportation planning, green jobs, waste management, energy consumption, parks and green space, public and alternative transportation, green infrastructure, building retrofits, alternative fuels, education programs and more.”
The impetus for the Sustainability Plan was nearly $1 million available to the city as part of the Recovery Act. City staff members drafted a plan that would use the money to pay for CNG conversion kits for city vehicles, energy-saving devices for city facilities and water wells, and some energy-efficiency training and supplies for building inspectors. The rest was tagged for a Sustainability Plan the residents would help create.
All of that is noble. It’s federal money coming to the local economy in a recession to help the city become more environmentally friendly, and the public had a chance to provide ideas Monday night. At least they were supposed to.
The effort was thwarted by a couple of guests with half-baked conspiracy theories who were outspoken enough to derail a positive, orderly meeting. They were concerned that Edmond’s Sustainability Plan fell under the purview of the United Nations’ Agenda 21.
More here: