Want to help the planet? Start with the person.
Governments and corporations are taking major steps to reduce their environmental impact — including the United States Postal Service (read how here) — but the opportunity to live greener belongs to each of us. The new Go Green stamps help show us how.
These positive steps — from riding bikes to planting trees — won’t help just the environment. They’ll help your environment, encouraging better health, lower energy bills, and maybe even a little shade a few summers from now.
Yet whenever the environment is discussed, the line between motivation and guilt trip is easily crossed. So the illustrator for the project needed both a passion for the subject and an accessible style — someone with a proven track record for communicating in ways that are both environmentally friendly and . . . friendly. “The idea was to keep it light,” says art director Derry Noyes, “not to scold as if shaking a finger and saying, ‘Go do all these things and make the planet better.’
Click here for the complete article and additional stamp images.