The time has come for Rosemary, Christina and myself to pass the baton on to our successors. We've enjoyed leading Sustainable Shawnee for the past two years and are pleased with our accomplishments but now look forward to working with some new folks. Jim Shull has agreed to form a committee to identify candidates for President, Vice President and Secretary. According to the Sustainable Shawnee by-laws, we must present a slate of new officers by the October meeting so time is shorter than we think. Elections will be held by no later than January 2010 and I will continue on the Executive Committee as Past President
Please help us keep Sustainable Shawnee active and vibrant within our community and consider one of three leadership positions. Terms are for one year and are what you make of them. The opportunities are endless. For more information, contact Jim Shull or Shawna Turner.
Thanks to everyone for a productive and exciting two years with Sustainable Shawnee!
Best Wishes,
Shawna Turner
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