Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Paula Waters, Avedis Foundation, to Speak at March Meeting

Paula Waters with Avedis Foundation spoke about how the foundation plans to support health, wellness and quality of life in Shawnee at our March Meeting.

Avedis Foundation supports projects that directly benefit people from the communities we serve. Our interests include initiatives that nurture the community by promoting healthy lifestyles in one
or more of these areas:

• Physical wellness
• Intellectual well-being
• Emotional wellness
• Social well-being
• Environmental well-being
• Spiritual well-being

We greatly appreciated Paula's presentation and discussion. I'm glad so many were able to join us. We'll meet again on May 9th at the Shawnee Community Garden on Park and Wall Sts. at 6:30pm. Our speaker will be announced later this month. Thanks as always for your ongoing support of Sustainable Shawnee.